Wise man once said, “a journey of 10,000 miles begins with a single step.” Vibrant Farm on Maui, HI - in the land of Hana, was nothing short of a miracle in 2015. After receiving my SSDI permanent disability back pay for roughly $50,000.00, I went to Maui to save my life again for the 4th time. Ms. Ebert was a Ke Akua (God) send. I spent my time detoxing after 12 long years of inflicted Seroquel and other pills at gun-point being married to a control freak, sociopath who turned out from a God send to a nightmare. My father came out to take on Ulupalakua, HI with Mr. & Mrs. Baz of EcoProductsMaui.com which went south over evil people and jealousy where the Gate House almost burned to the ground, had it not been for us being there. Cee eventually moved on by 2017 from this once, organic HAWAI’ian flower farm. Michelle, who bought the place, blew the cistern plumbing lines with a front loader and ignorance.
2013 - FBI | ChoiceHotels.com, Radisson Baltimore, MD (2013) & Suburban Extended Stay (2021-2022)